Peter Piper may have pecked a peck of pickled peppers but at least he was never subjected to the tongue twisters of the Blurple Bobble-blith-a-binny-blins from the bogs of Blothel Blith Bel Lith.
Bobbles (as they are known for short) travel throughout the Galaxies/dimensions seeking luckless prey to capture and bring back to their home planet of Blothel Blith Bel Lith. There, ensnared in the tangled reeds of the vast quagmires, hapless prisoners are subjected to long complicated tongue-twisters for excessive periods of time.
Once the Bobbles have finished tongue twisting they return their ear-chewed guests to their own home planet without apology or any kind of explanation.
Why they do this remains somewhat of a mystery, though the most common theory suggests they merely like to flaunt their tongue-twisting skills to a captive audience.
By the by, Blurple Bobble-blith-a-binny-blin loosely translates to "The most smarty-pants beings of the Galaxy”
Vanity, it is said, spans the universe and will stand the test of time.
Quoth the raven "Now this is just silly"