Thursday, March 10, 2011

kirk the final discovery

William Shatner, whom played Captian James T Kirk on the original Star Trek series as well as the imfamous Denny Crane(Boston Legal)had a rendeveous with Nasa the other day to give praise for the a Space Station thingy called Discovery. Of course he chose the opening lines to the Star Trek show. You know the one about Space being the final Frontier
If you haven’t seen the u-tube clip of it yet then check out Bill Shatner's Wake Up Call to the Space Shuttle Discovery. Worth seeing if you are a fan I suppose.

I like most of my elk have seen most of the Human sci-fi shows. Part of our training for us to amerce ourselves in the folktales, legends and fictional cultures of the planets we frequent.

On a completely separate note I thought you might be interested to know that a couple of weeks ago I was asked to attend a wedding in the capacity of a Best man, as the groom was an elder sibling. We both wore ties and morphed our faces and bodies to look like humans. Pics of the occasion to follow at a later date, so watch this space as they say.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Intergalatic catchup.

As usual I have been infrequently updating this blog and of course falling way behind. So a bit of a catch up is in order.

Firstly a very belated welcome to 2011, the new year went off well. I spent the night in my own dimention with a group of peaceful indivdiuals that call themselves the Serene Fellowship. A commune who say they have rid themselves of the hectic world around them to be at peace with nature. I will speak more of them in a future post, as such info deserves more than a pasing mention, so stay tuned to this blog for updates.

Life on Earth has been going on pretty much the same as ever. Though there have been a number of unexpected events such as the passing away of one of a creature I had encountered during one of my trips to Australia. His name was Ginger, a guineapig that featured in a number of blogs. A fine gentle creature to be sure.

Another peice of news is that a wedding bells are going to chime for my brother, who has planned to marry in New Zealand. I have been chosen to be the equilviant of what people on earth refer to as a best man so that should be fun.

Ten pin bowling starts soon. There is a meeting this Wednesday followed by a few games. The first round starts the following week or so. I haven't even held a bowling ball since November last year. It'll be interesting to see how it goes.

Speaking of sporting type of passtimes I plaed my first round of golf out at Makara golf course last month (team building exercise). Went better than I had expected but still took a lot of shots to get the ball in the hole. Had fun, though I doubt I'll race out and join the Pro Tour in a hurry.

That's about all I can think of for now. Catch you all next post. Whenever that will be.